Supporting refugees – What we want to do

  1. Support the many colleagues and experts in the cultural sector that have been working in this area for many years: notably Counterpoint (who run Refugee Week) and Platforma.
  2. Contribute to a national narrative around refugees that is humanising, energising and positive.
  3. We want to help to humanise the stories of refugees and migrants currently in the press – giving voice and a platform to refugees and migrants themselves wherever possible and encouraging the general public to engage with the crisis in fresh ways to counter the ‘compassion fatigue’ that is the result of the on-going nature of the situation. One of the ways we can do this is by activating the What Next? Grid.
  4. Provide practical support to refugee and migrant communities and those working with them.
  5. Support our colleagues at Good Chance Theatre who are working in the Jungle in Calais
  6. Mobilise political action in support of refugees and migrants

Read more on the What Next? Refugee Crisis briefing ›
